The 2nd Annual Nor’easter Crossfit Throw Down

by admin


August 26, 2pm – 4pm
On the beach in Hampton, NH 

To celebrate the final day of the 2nd Annual Bonfire Health 100 Day Challenge, we’re celebrating in style with some fun, sun and Crossfit competition at the beach in Hampton, New Hampshire at Bicentennial Park (directly across the street from Cinnamon Rainbows Surf Shop at the north end of “The Wall”).

Click HERE
To enter your Crossfit Team!

  • Join North East area Crossfit Boxes and Compete on the Beach!
  • Support the Mauli Ola Foundation for Cystic Fibrosis Kids
  • Teams of 6 (3 Men/3 Women) – this year includes a ‘Scaled Division’
  • 3 WOD’s – One Day Event (2pm – 4pm)
  • $150 Entry Per Team (proceeds go to MOF)
  • Sponsored by Bonfire Health and Reebok!

Don’t miss out on this special end-of-summer beach party with like-minded healthy people!


by MJ

AIR  ~  Movement of the Day:
Day 88 of the 100 Day Challenge! Knee Tucks. This full body movement is especially helpful for core strength. From running, to carrying your groceries, core strength in general is invaluable for all the activities you do during your busy day, so keep it strong! [Click here for additional Workouts]

FUEL  ~  Dish of the Day:
A good reminder today to keep your plate balanced! Every meal (and even snack!) should contain an element of Plants, Fats and Protein. [Click here for additional Recipes]


SPARK  ~  Thought of the Day:
Quote of the Day:  When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge. ~ Tuli Kupferberg

Essential Element: Most people cannot readily describe what they want – what they would like to experience, become or create. This is exactly why most change efforts fail.  [Click to read Spark Insight: ‘Creating Change’].

Journal:  You have no idea what your missing. It’s that thing that hasn’t happened yet, that non-entity waiting out in the spaces of the coming days to be created.  What is it? How will it taste? Feel? Look? Envision in your journal the specifics of that vague idea you continue to dwell on in the realm of your health and well being. You know you want it more than anything. What must you start doing to make this a reality? What must you stop?  [Click here for additional Journal exercises]


by MJ

AIR  ~  Movement of the Day:
Day 87 of the 100 Day Challenge!  Barbell Press Tabatas! Weight your barbell appropriately, and press up until your arms are locked out and your head is forward past the bar. Keep up the great work gang! [Click here for additional Workouts]

FUEL  ~  Dish of the Day:
Artichokes have always been an elusive dish for many people, but this could be your week to discover how simple and delicious this veggie can be! [Click here for additional Recipes]


SPARK  ~  Thought of the Day:
Quote of the Day:  We must learn to view change as a natural phenomenon-to anticipate it and to plan for it. The future is ours to channel in the direction we want to go … we must continually ask ourselves, “What will happen if … ?” or better still, “How can we make it happen? ~ Lisa Taylor

Essential Element:  Set a positive goal, and move toward what you want – rather than focusing on what’s wrong with what you currently have.  [Click to read Spark Insight: ‘Creating Change’].

Journal:  How can you make it happen? That task at work that keeps not getting done? The project you’ve been wanting to finish but haven’t? The book you’ve been wanting to read but haven’t felt it was important enough? Focus. Set a goal for this week. Write in your journal what it is – and then stop at nothing to get it done. Reflect at the end of the week as to what it feels like to have accomplished this long-awaited victory. [Click here for additional Journal exercises]


by MJ

AIR  ~  Movement of the Day:
Day 86 of the 100 Day Challenge! Dumbbell Rows. Remember to choose the appropriate weight for your movement today and notice how Dr. Franson brings his Dumbbell Rows through the full range of motion for the most effective workout.  [Click here for additional Workouts]

FUEL  ~  Dish of the Day:
Try a new marinade for your chicken tonight! Our Chili Lime Drumsticks are juicy and delicious right out of the oven or off the grill! [Click here for additional Recipes]


SPARK  ~  Thought of the Day:
Quote of the Day: New things cannot come where there is no room. ~ Mario Morgan

Essential Element: It is critical to “own” the reality that our behaviors have natural consequences and that these outcomes are remarkably predictable [click to read ‘Creating Change’].

Journal:  When our lives are saturated, our hearts crave space. Regardless of if the things soaking up our lives are grand or miserable, if they are utilizing all our time – they are choking us. A life of growth is a life necessitating room to breathe. List in your journal three spaces where you feel yourself breathe deeper, clear your head, even daydream. Make a point to get to one  of them this week. And bring your journal.   [Click here for additional Journal exercises]


by MJ

AIR  ~  Movement of the Day:
Day 85 of the 100 Day Challenge! Grab a corner in your workout space and weight your bar for T Bar Rows! They don’t look too difficult at first… but watch the constant squat position throughout this Tabata and feel the burn! [Click here for additional Workouts]

FUEL  ~  Dish of the Day:
Shrimp Stuffed Avocados. A beautiful, creative way to balance your lunch or spice up the table at a potluck! Make sure you’re getting your seafood from a sustainable and reliable source! [Click here for additional Recipes]


SPARK  ~  Thought of the Day:
Quote of the Day: The moment when you first wake up in the morning is the most wonderful of the twenty-four hours. No matter how weary or dreary you may feel, you possess the certainty that, during the day that lies before you, absolutely anything may happen. And the fact that it practically always doesn’t, matters not a jot. The possibility is always there.

 ~ Monica Baldwin

Essential Element: A best practice for ensuring an enriching start to your day is to allow 20 – 30 minutes for yourself  [click here to read Spark Insight: Morning Rituals].

Journal: Some may agree with Ms. Baldwin on the wonderfulness one feels upon waking. Others might clenched-fistedly disagree. Regardless, we cannot argue that the possibility of each day lay open and available at its start. We are the ones that determine its discovery. How do you discover the possibility in each day? How do those that are closest to you (family, friends, those you admire…) do this? Jot it down in your journal.  [Click here for additional Journal exercises]


by MJ

AIR  ~  Movement of the Day:
Day 84 of the 100 Day Challenge! Tire Flip Flop Hop. Flip a tire… hop in.. hop out! Repeat! Start your day right with this full body, FUN Tabata!  [Click here for additional Workouts]

FUEL  ~  Dish of the Day:
Dr. Bruce’s Almond Flour Pancakes. Satisfy your cravings for a pancake breakfast treat (and your familys’) without the setback on your clean, green tummy!  [Click here for additional Recipes]


SPARK  ~  Thought of the Day:
Quote of the Day: I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning.

 ~ Joseph Priestley

Essential Element: Every day you get to decide if you will start rushed, anxious and stressed or relaxed, connected and inspired [click here to read Spark Insight: Morning Rituals].

Journal: How do the first moments of the morning with your family usually go? Are they cherished – spent hearing each others first thoughts? Or are they rushed and hurried, tainted with “get moving!” and “hurry up!” Realize the gift that pre-movement minutes could potentially be for your family. Use the time to count blessings, think of someone you love or who needs prayer, talk about one thing you’ll do that day to serve someone you know. Be creative – and write down the magic you find waiting behind the morning… [Click here for additional Journal exercises] 


by MJ

AIR  ~  Movement of the Day:
Day 83 of the 100 Day Challenge! Variety is the spice of life, and this mantra is no exception when it comes to getting your body moving! In the spirit of changing things up, here’s a new exercise for many of you. Think push ups… add hip mobility, coordination and single side strengthening… and you’ve got Kick Thru’s!  Enjoy! [Click here for additional Workouts]

FUEL  ~  Dish of the Day:
Pecan Crusted Whitefish. Pecans and Whitefish? A delicious, uncanny combination! We’ve also thrown in some parsley, garlic and coconut oil for the best supper you’ve had in a long time! [Click here for additional Recipes]


SPARK  ~  Thought of the Day:
Quote of the Day: He, who every morning plans the transactions of the day, and follows that plan, carries a thread that will guide him through a labyrinth of the most busy life.

 ~ Victor Hugo

Essential Element: As CJ Mertz says, “Before you master your life, you must first master your day. Before you master your day, you must first master your morning. Before you master your morning, you must first master yourself”  [click here to read Spark Insight: Morning Rituals].

Journal:  In your journal, divide your day into thirds: Morning, Work, Evening. Next to each – write down a theme for each of these days segments. I.e. Morning: Refresh and Prepare – Work: Engage and Produce – Evening: Renew and Connect. Whatever it is that is most important for you to achieve during these sections of the day, write them out. Each day this week, use these as a guideline in the morning for choosing your top three priorities for each segment of your day. [Click here for additional Journal exercises]


by MJ

AIR  ~  Movement of the Day:
Day 82 of the 100 Day Challenge! Row, row, row your Tabata today with Renegade Rows! This is one of those exercises you’ll be talking about all day… and feeling all week!  A terrific, full body challenge. Good Luck!  [Click here for additional Workouts]

FUEL  ~  Dish of the Day:
Dough-y bread and wheat-filled tortillas won’t slow down your afternoon! Our simple Lettuce Wraps are satisfying and nutritious. [Click here for additional Recipes]


SPARK  ~  Thought of the Day:
Quote of the Day: Lose an hour in the morning, and you will be all day hunting for it. 

~ Richard Whately

Essential Element: Enjoy something that you’ve been missing because you “don’t have the time”. Create the time. Do something that connects you with your bigger purpose [click here to read Spark Insight: Morning Rituals].

 Journal:  Often our morning hours can be some of the most precious. However,  such time doesn’t simply become beautiful on its own. It takes some intentionality to make  our mornings meaningful. Make the first hour of your morning count by  consider what your most important elements of each day are. Then make a mini-morning plan – scheduling a few of these valuable events in an early morning hour. Journal your response to the effect of early morning productivity on your day. [Click here for additional Journal exercises] 


by MJ

AIR  ~  Movement of the Day:
Day 81 of the 100 Day Challenge! Turkish Get Up! Be sure to follow correct form during your Tabata today, and always always keep your eye on the kettlebell (or dumbbell). This is a terrific core workout and shoulder strengthener!  [Click here for additional Workouts]

FUEL  ~  Dish of the Day:
Cool Fruit Cocktail. Adding a little mint and slivered almonds to your fruit combo will balance out your snack/dessert as well as beautify your presentation options! Bonfire cooks never underestimate the power of a pretty presentation! [Click here for additional Recipes]


SPARK  ~  Thought of the Day:
Quote of the Day: Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today will never happen again. Don’t waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to fail.

~ Og Mandino

Essential Element:  Get into a groove. It is time to get up earlier and create your morning ritual. Create a compelling reason to get out of bed  [click here to read Spark Insight: Morning Rituals].

Journal: Maybe you’ve received the official label: NOT-A-Morning Person. Maybe you’ve assumed yourself as such and therefore never considered what an enjoyable morning might look like. Take a few minutes and consider this: If you were indeed a morning person, what might your first hour look like? Would you go for a run? Hit the gym? Read a chapter? Dream a little – and write down. At the end of the week, re-read your dream entry a few times – and next week, take Sunday morning and give it a shot. [Click here for additional Journal exercises]


by MJ

AIR  ~  Movement of the Day:
Day 79 of the 100 Day Challenge! Dr. Franson starts the day with a High Knees Tabata! And his kiddos aren’t far behind! Get your family involved in your workout today. Its a great healthy habit to start at any age!  [Click here for additional Workouts]

FUEL  ~  Dish of the Day:
Poached Eggs with Avocado and Green Smoothie. An amazingly energizing and balanced breakfast! It might not seem intuitive to have so much ‘green’ on your plate first thing in the morning, but it’s time to re-program! These green nutrients will revolutionize your morning! [Click here for additional Recipes]


SPARK  ~  Thought of the Day:
Quote of the Day: America’s number one energy crisis is Monday morning. ~ Unknown

Essential Element: Get out of your rut. If your morning routine looks more like survival of the fittest and a race against the clock, it is time to take back your morning [click here to read Spark Insight: Morning Rituals].

Journal: What does a typical Monday morning look like for you? Is it a race to get out the door, coordinating the week in your head as you speed to work? A morning ritual that stays consistent seven days a week does magic for our Monday mornings – and each morning in general!  Write out in your journal three components to your ideal morning –– then take this week to implement those three elements into each days start. [Click here for additional Journal exercises]