Glossary of Insight Terms

by admin


Wellness Objective (WO)
The ultimate objectives per domain.
Example:  Being optimally hydrated

Wellness Principle (WP)
A foundational tenet or rule consistent with the Wellness Paradigm.
Example:  “Add first, then subtract” or “Move toward a positive, not away from a negative”

Critical Concepts (CC)
The big ideas associated with each Insight /lesson per domain
Example:  “Our cells expect and require regular movement.”

Desired Outcome (DO)
The over-riding objective – the end goal.
Example:  Within the Spark domain:  Peace of Mind

Essential Elements (EE)
The required element or “Nutrient” featured in the Insights or lesson plan within each domain
Example:  Connection
Read full Essential Elements description.

Innate Daily Requirement (IDR)
The recommended required amount/measure of each Essential Element (EE)
Example: Exercise 5 – 6 days per week.

Influence Mechanisms (IM)
A technique, concept or mechanism that confers a level of predictable behavioral influence

  • Best Practices (BP)
    Strategies commonly used successfully to achieve a desired outcome.  When integrated with Vital Behaviors, success becomes more and more likely.
    Example: Save 10% of every dollar earned  (“In our clinics…we’ve seen….”)
    Read full Best Practices description.
  • Vital Behaviors
    High leverage behaviors that lead directly to desired outcomes
    Example:  Utilize EFT – electronic funds transfer to ensure 10% savings every time.
    Read full Vital Behaviors description.
  • Nudge
    An environment, setting or process that has been put in place to promote or influence better choices
    Example:  Putting fruit in plain sight and keeping the doughnuts on the roof.

Bonfire Challenge (BFC)
An action step, strategy or behavior prescribed specific to a given Insight
Example: “Do this:  Drink 50% (+) of your body wt. in fluid ounces.”


  • Perfect Practice
    A quality that is consistent with an Ideal Mindset
    Example:  Well people practice gratitude.
  • Clear Standard
    A clear objective or comparison model, which is quantifiable where possible
  • Model Behavior
    Role model or mentor for a given quality or behavior
  • Creative Process
    The creative process applied to a given element or quality
  • Up-Hill/Down-Hill
    Member or Participant classifies a challenge as personally easy or more difficult
  • Traffic Lights
    GREEN:  Add ____________________ Start
    YELLOW:  Reduce ____________________ Slow Down
    RED:  Subtract ____________________ Stop
  • De-railers/Guard-Rails
    Thoughts, beliefs, people or environments that derail change efforts
  • Daily-Do-Over
    Recount the day’s events and identify how you would like to re-do a specific situation
  • Recovery Mechanism
    Proactively identify effective techniques or strategies that help you get back on track
  • “Life Saver” or “Guardrails”
    High leverage thought, person or technique that is sure to keep you on track for your change effort
  • Bonfire Partner
    A “buddy” or partner for a specific challenge (BFC), (change) effort or program
  • Goals/Reward/Penalty
    Next Happily Attainable Goal (NHAG), Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG),
    Goal Dates:  recorded, professed (publicly), or published
  • Reward:  Compelling incentive for successful Process, Behavior, and/or Outcome
  • Penalty:   Equally compelling penalty or dis-incentive for same