Focus on Connection

by admin

  • Do you feel connected in your Familial Life? Do you connect with other members in your family? In which relationships does connection seem easy? Why do you think this is so?
  • Our familial relationships are among the most important we possess. In your journal, list the top 3 traits you most appreciate about each of your immediate family members. Then yank out a piece of paper and jot a note to one of them, telling them their most appreciated traits.
  • Name the 3 most important friendships in your life right now. Reflect on how you’d like to see these friendships strengthened over the next month.
  • Wonder is an essential nutrient for a life well lived. Name 10 things (people, places, flavors, songs, events) that completely astonish you.
  • Who are the people that matter most to you? Take a few minutes and brainstorm in your journal a creative way you can show each of those closest to you just how valuable they are  (i.e. a note of appreciation and gratitude, an act of service, a gift).
  • Our friendships open our eyes to ourselves. If someone asked your best friend to list the top 5 things you stand for, what would they say?
  • Name three people you most respect. What is it about their character that you admire most?
  • People perform best when given clear standards. Standards provide clarity, accountability, and the opportunity for feedback. List three figures – whom you know personally or from afar – who operate with a consistent focus on their standards.
  • The choices we make daily are the ones that shape our future. What three people do you know or know of who never seem to tire of making the right decisions? How about making the right decisions for their family?
  • Those whom we spend the most time with shape us most profoundly. Name five of the people with whom you spend the majority of your time outside of work. Of those five, which of them inspire you to live life in line with your values?
  • Whom we trust speaks volumes. When things aren’t going as planned, whom do you place your trust in? Where do you find rest when the circumstances around you are going haywire?