How Much Exercise?

by admin

Critical Thinking:  When humans were living a natural, outdoor-oriented lifestyle, the daily work and tasks created movement that encompassed the whole body through full ranges of motion throughout much of the day.  Therefore, I need to recreate that type of fitness though a specific and focused exercise regimen called innate functional training.

Best Practices:  30-60 minutes every day of moving, panting and sweating (outside of bed).

Vital Behaviors:  Map out, strategically plan out a systematic plan for intensive, comprehensive workouts at a gym, CrossFit facility, your back yard, garage, spare bedroom, abandoned house next door, etc.

Level 1:  Haven’t been exercising lately, or consistently out of shape, overweight, fearful of injury (or maybe recovering from an illness or injury) and/or social stigmatism, unsure of how to begin, where to begin, etc.?

• Walk around the block once a day for a week, then twice around the block, then twice around the block for time (meaning quicker than the previous session).
• Do standing wall push-ups and free-standing squatting motions (watch Coaching Video – hyperlink).
• Find hills and/or stairs – walk them, then increase the repetitions; skip stairs; then do them faster, then do them for time, do them more often.
• Move to Level 2

Level 2:  Reasonably fit, not overweight, but only works out 2-4 days each week.

• Figure out/create within your schedule time so that you will exercise every day.  This could mean joining some type of health club facility or gym – they’ve changed a lot so don’t be intimidated.  Maybe you’ve always wanted to start cycling – go buy that bike; however, if you live where it isn’t practical or feasible to ride December – April, then cycling becomes Plan B – Plan A is to figure out how and where you can exercise every day (you could get a “trainer” which you use indoors and mount your bike for indoor cyling).
• After you’ve established a daily exercise routine, turn up the intensity by doing one or more of the following:

• Start timing yourself in your exercise routines;
• Increase the weights, speeds, inclines (i.e. hills, treadmill), etc. – up the intensity.

• Get coaching.  This could mean simply taking a class – aerobics, kickboxing, yoga, masters swim, etc.  You’ll do twice the work in the same amount of time which means you can halve your workout time or simply do more.  Or, you could sign up for a series of personal training sessions to expand your exercise routine, increase your knowledge, or improve your technique to allow for increased intensity without risk of injury.

• Start working out with a buddy or a group of people (for example, in a class at your local gym, health club, community center, or at a CrossFit gym – you’ll do more, faster, and you’ll have more fun, and you’ll be held accountable).

Level 3:  Congratulations, you’re in an elite group on the planet – you’re fit!  So now what?

Get more fit.
• It may be time to find a CrossFit type of facility.  Watch YouTube videos of kettle bell workouts, CrossFit workouts, etc. to get inspired, to learn new, inspiring ways to get in even better shape.  Buy equipment for home use for the days you don’t or can’t make it to the gym.

• Get more efficient at getting fit.  Simply changing your workout routine can often produce new levels of intensity – i.e. the days you do certain things, the sequence in which you do things.  Do the same workout in 5%, 10% or 20% less time.

• Commit to an objective/goal:  an competitive event or certification.  This could mean signing up for a 10K race or a triathlon, or signing up for some type of certification (i.e. CrossFit or personal trainer certification), scheduling to attend a fitness camp. When a fitness objective or goal is on your future schedule/radar/calendar, you’ll be amazed at how it will help focus your workouts and keep you more consistent in your workout schedule.

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