Bonfire Adventure Trail Mix

by admin

This is one of the most nutritious snack foods you can make; keep some in Ziploc baggies or Tupperware in your car, at your desk, in your backpack or briefcase – never be without some raw nuts (no roasted or salted nuts allowed – raw is what provides quality nutrition and no gas!).

RAW NUTS (use some or all of these – your choice):
raw walnuts
raw almonds
raw hazelnuts (filberts)
raw sunflower seeds
raw pumpkin seeds (‘pepitas’)
raw pinenuts (‘pignolias’)
raw macademia nuts (expensive)

raw cacao nibs
unsulphured raisins
dried Goji berries
dried figs, chopped

* Don’t go overboard on these EXTRAS – think of them as ‘spices’ for your mix, not a source of indulgence.When buying dried fruit, look for ones labeled ‘unsulphured’, as sulfites are chemical preservatives.

Mix whatever combination of nuts and ‘extras’ that suit your taste – each batch you make will have its own personality.