Grains – The Pillar of Disease

by drpaul


… and give us today our daily bread. – Matt 6:13-19

Come on, if it’s in the bible, even part of the Lord’s prayer for crying out loud, how can bread be bad? (I guess that would include bagels, pizza, cereal and crackers because they’re just variations of bread; for that matter, beer too – it being ‘liquid bread’.)

Are you sitting down? Are you ready for this – there are many, many respected scientists, researchers, doctors, athletes, and everyday people who, as part of their healthy lifestyles, do not eat bread or any wheat products (this includes the founders of Bonfire Health). Not because they have celiac disease or other gluten allergy, but because they understand how eating wheat will undermine their health in many ways.  One respected health lecturer has gone so far as to create and sell WHEAT IS MURDER tee shirts [click here if you don’t believe me].

Grains are hard to digest, contain anti-nutrients gliadin and glutenin which cause intestinal permeability, promote inflammation, and cause high insulin levels – that’s a recipe for disaster/disease in the form of diabetes, obesity, cancer, heart disease and autoimmune disease (not to mention diverticulitis, a precursor to colon cancer).

Dr. Loren Cordain cites evidence in his book THE PALEO DIET, as well as his and other published research, that whole grain products frequently contribute to an elevated glycemic load because of the quantity of total grains the USDA recommends (8 ounces per day, equivalent to 8 slices of bread). Wheat in particular is problematic because it contains the proteins gliadin and glutenin, both of which are shown to increase intestinal permeability in celiac patients as well as in healthy persons.

Cordain notes that increased intestinal permeability promotes passage of a gut borne bacterial substance called lipopolysachharide into the bloodstream, producing a low-level chronic state of inflammation called endotoxemia (see Maelán Fontes’ article on Type 2 Diabetes and Endotoxemia). Endotoxemia likely underlies many chronic disease states, particularly cardiovascular disease and a number of autoimmune diseases, according to Cordain. [source: Dr. Loren Cordain comments on the  U.S. Federal Government’s 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans]

I know, this is a shocker – after all, aren’t whole grains one of the pillars of health? Actually and resoundingly, NO!  It’s true – one of the quickest ways to get healthier is to stop eating grains of any sort, but especially wheat.

One problem besides the fact that people eat wheat at nearly every meal, grains in general and wheat in particular, are ‘hidden’ in many, many foods. Here’s a great article Hidden Sources of Grains.

In our house, we make cookies out of almond flour, Yambanana Bread with yams, bananas and nuts – you’d be surprised how you can still eat a healthy ancestral diet with modern recipes.


PS. The photo at the top, has another ‘devil in disguise’ – can you figure it out?


That’s right, fried food – it’s number three on the The Top 10 Disease-Producing Foods


PS. PS. Yes, although I don’t eat bread, I do still drink beer, which is in essence liquid bread – I love a good hand-crafted IPA.

Please, please, PLEASE – stop eating … artificial sweeteners

by drpaul

So there I was, having a great breakfast at Friendly Toast in Portsmouth, NH and of course I couldn’t help but observe (okay, I was inwardly seething with contemptuous judgment at) all the unhealthy food everyone was eating. Speaking of which, have you noticed how hard it is to be out in public these day and find healthy looking people – you know, people who (1) are not overweight; (2) have glowing complexion, or at least clear skin; (3) move with any type of crisp, coordinated energy?  Just recently, I went to the New England Aquarium, and while standing in line, I mentally tried to scan the very large crowd to find healthy people – I could only find one family … from India.  Sorry, I digress …

Anyway, there we were in the House of Inflammation, I mean Friendly Toast, where everyone, and I mean everyone, was eating some wheat product or bread in the form of pancakes, toast, waffles, or French toast,  and of course most of it slathered with some shit sugar sauce. Sorry, again I digress …

But what caught my eye (in addition to the raging and overt march to diabetes, obesity, heart disease and cancer), was the table across from me. In addition to gorging on insulin-spiking, pro-inflammatory grains, the four adults (who were actually 7.5 adults in their total weight), were dumping Splenda into their coffee like it was fairy dust.


By the way, in case you were wondering what I ordered off the insulin land mine field they call a menu, I had Smoked Salmon Eggs Benedict, no bread, with a side order of sauteed spinach. We mixed the spinach in with our eggs, smoked salmon and Hollandaise sauce – it was super yummy, and very satisfying; and because it had plants, fats, and protein, the meal was very nutritious and healthy.

Okay, back to the incredibly toxic nature of artificial sweeteners:


Artificial Sweeteners: A History of Lies and Poison

Don’t have time to read this? Want the bottom line, the take away? Artificial sweeteners are extremely toxic and should be one of the foods you never, ever eat. Stay away from artificial sweeteners like you would a drunk driver waving a gun out the window. Yes, they’re that bad for you. Aspartame and sucralose are the ultimate slow poison, toxic, disease-food. (Aspartame = Nutrasweet and Equal; Sucralose = Splenda)

Our world is filled with deception, to be sure. From our presidents’ lying to us, to sophisticated advertising about food (such as ‘Milk does a body good’ – the best advertising campaign AND best food scam in the past 50 years), it’s become difficult at any given moment to sort out the truth. When it comes to filtering out accurate information regarding health, the waters become even murkier.

In the world of sweeteners, the misinformation is not only standard operating procedure within the food manufacturing industry, it is further obscured by the power of lobbying and advertising that is harnessed by the food and chemical industries. For example, I’m sure you’ve seen the commercials today touting how high fructose corn syrup is safe and natural ‘if eaten in moderation;’ this is patently false – high fructose corn syrup should be called ‘a pipeline to diabetes.’

Another major area of food/health deception is the perceived harmlessness of artificial sweeteners. To the vast majority of people, a Diet Coke® is a relatively “healthy” beverage choice, they think, because it has no sugar or calories. Nothing could be further from the truth.  More

Sugar – the devil’s food

by drpaul

After the Jesuits’ introduction of sugar in 1751, sugar became less expensive to produce (thanks in large part to slavery), and sugar/sweetener consumption has risen steadily (per person/per year):


  • 1821:     10 lbs.
  • 1880:     38 lbs.
  • 1970:  119 lbs.
  • 1990:  132 lbs.
  • 2007:  158 lbs.

It’s contained in many, many foods; it wreaks havoc with many of the body’s physiologic systems and plays a central role in the current heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity epidemics. The culprit: plain old sugar, and its thinly disguised evil cousin, high fructose corn syrup.  Yes, they will kill you. Maybe not overnight, but over time, sugar and corn syrup-derived sweeteners will erode your health, leading to many fatal diseases.

Sugar is a super-concentrated, unnatural food – the fact that it comes from something natural doesn’t make it natural to the body (gasoline comes from something very natural – oil – and is therefore essentially a natural product, but you wouldn’t want to eat it).

In the past 75 years, our modern industrial culture has seen a unique convergence of many negative lifestyle factors that have lead to a dramatic increase in ‘lifestyle behavior diseases’ which include heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, senile dementia, and cancer (yes, cancer is a lifestyle disease, not a genetic one as is commonly believed). This “Perfect Storm” of disease-producing lifestyle behavior choices includes the following:

  • A decrease in the intake of micro-nutrients and trace elements within our food supply due to commercial farming practices utilizing year-round growth cycles and nitrogen-based petrochemical fertilizers, creating epidemic nutritional deficiencies or malnutrition within modern industrial nations, as well as food processing methods that strip nearly all nutrients from our food.
  • An increase in toxicity of our food supply due to the use of chemical pesticides and herbicides in combination with modern food processing techniques utilizing chemical additives, and preservatives.
  • An increase in consumption of food that has been processed to the point where there is little to no nutritive value.
  • A pronounced decrease in physical activity levels unprecedented in the history of mankind.



Why Eating Grains Is Making Us Sick, Sad, and Fat

by drpaul

Whole, half, or any other way, grains aren’t good.

(Yes, that includes breads, pasta, pizza, cereals and pastries!)

If this is your first time hearing that grains are problematic in the human diet, then it can come as quite surprise.  More than just a surprise, it can be a downright shock to the core of your “think you know what to eat to be healthy” soul.  You may need to sit down for this one:  grains are largely responsible for the chronic diseases of civilization (obesity, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, auto immune disorders, strokes, and cancer).

Now, take a deep breath and keep reading, because this is where it will start to make sense.  We have to go back quite a ways to understand the problem with grains – about 10,000 years to be exact.  You see, before then, all human beings were hunter-gatherers (H/G), meaning they spent their days hunting animals and/or gathering fruits, veggies, seeds, nuts, bugs, and any other nature-made thing they could get their hands on to stay alive.  Now here is the kicker:  you are the same as them.  That’s right, our genes (the info in our cells that makes us human) haven’t changed really at all for the last 50,000+ years.

Why is that a big deal? More

Omega-3 and Your Health

by drpaul

Why Omega-3?
The cell membrane of nearly every cell in the human body is made up of cholesterol (cholesterol is good for you, by the way, not bad for you) and phospholipids (essential fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahaexanoic acid (DHA)).  For example, the brain is made up mostly of fatty acids; the synapses (the connections) between neurons (brain cells) are 80% fatty acids.

Sugar impairs your brain function, memory and cognitive ability. Omega-3 deficiency makes it worse. [Read abstract] [Journal article]

So, not only are essential fatty acids critical structural components of our cells, but much of the body’s physiologic function is dependent upon having sufficient essential fatty acids in general and omega-3 in particular. Combined with the importance of these essential fatty acids is the fact that our modern culture is terribly deficient in omega-3 essential fatty acids. Because we eat grains and vegetable oils, and because we eat domesticated grain-fed animals, we eat waaaayyyy to much omega-6 fats. The ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 in most people is so imbalanced it causes people to be unhealthy, very unhealthy. You can’t say this too much. The ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 in most people is so imbalanced it causes people to be unhealthy, very unhealthy.

Bonfire has the best tasting fish oil at the best price – SHOP NOW! CLICK HERE

The O-3 : O-6 Ratio
Research has shown that the human body is healthy when our dietary intake of essential fatty acids is a ratio of 1:2 between omega-3 and omega-6. Current research shows that people today are eating a diet style of processed foods (which contain vegetable oils high in omega-6), and grains (which are high in omega-6), and finally, grain fed animals, creating average ratios of 1:30, even 1:50 in people today.  This gross imbalance of essential fats is resulting in many disease processes among modern cultures.

Inflammation and Omega-3
When the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 gets too high, dangerous inflammation results, causing many diseases, including:

  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • High Cholesterol
  • Depression
  • Autoimmune diseases (Lupus)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Psoriasis
  • ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
  • Strokes
  • Premature and low birth weights
  • Neurodegenerative dementia diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)

Kremer, Joel M. n-3 fatty acid supplements in rheumatoid arthritis. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 71 (suppl), January 2000, pp. 349S-51S

Cullen, Paul. Evidence that triglycerides are an independent coronary heart disease risk factor. American Journal of Cardiology, Vol. 86, November 1, 2000, pp. 943-49

Stoll, Andrew L., et al. Omega 3 fatty acids in bipolar disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 56, May 1999, pp. 407-12 and pp. 415-16 (commentary)

Calabrese, Joseph R., et al. Fish oils and bipolar disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 56, May 1999, pp. 413-14 (commentary)

Stark, Ken D., et al. Effect of fish-oil concentrate on serum lipids in postmenopausal women receiving and not receiving hormone replacement therapy in a placebo-controlled, double-blind trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 72, August 2000, pp. 389-94

Fortin, Paul R., et al. Validation of a meta-analysis: the effects of fish oil in rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, Vol. 48, 1995, pp. 1379-90

Cleland, Leslie G. and James, Michael J. Fish oil and rheumatoid arthritis: antiinflammatory and collateral health benefits. Journal of Rheumatology, Vol. 27, October 2000, pp. 2305-06 (editorial) 

Arnold, L. Eugene. Alternative treatments for adults with ADHD. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 931, June 2001, pp. 310-41

Burgess, John R., et al. Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 71 (suppl), January 2000, pp. 327S- 30S 

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 71 (suppl), January 2000, pp. 171S-175S

Hu, Frank B., et al. Fish and long-chain omega-3 fatty acid intake and risk of coronary heart disease and total mortality in diabetic women. Circulation, Vol. 107, April 15, 2003, pp. 1852-57

Grundy, Scott M. N-3 fatty acids: priority for post-myocardial infarction clinical trials. Circulation, Vol. 107, April 15, 2003, pp. 1834-36 (editorial)

Rivellese, Angela A., et al. Long-term effects of fish oil on insulin resistance and plasma lipoproteins in NIDDM patients with hypertriglyceridemia. Diabetes Care, Vol. 19, November 1996, pp. 1207-13 

Olsen, Sjurour Frooi and Secher, Niels Jorgen. Low consumption of seafood in early pregnancy as a risk factor for preterm delivery: prospective cohort study.British Medical Journal, Vol. 324, February 23, 2002, pp. 1-5

Carlson, S.E. Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and development of human infants. Acta Paediatr Suppl, No. 430, 1999, pp. 72-7

Cunnane, Stephen C., et al. Breast-fed infants achieve a higher rate of brain and whole body docosahexaenoate accumulation than formula-fed infants not consuming dietary docosahexaenoate. Lipids, Vol. 35, January 2000, pp. 105-11 

Mayser, Peter, et al. Omega-3 fatty acid-based lipid infusion in patients with chronic plaque psoriasis: results of a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, multi-center trial. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Vol. 38, April 1998, pp. 539-47

Escobar, S.O., et al. Topical fish oil in psoriasis: a controlled and blind study. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, Vol. 17, 1992, pp. 159-62 

Wu A, Ying Z, Gomez-Pinilla F Docosahexanoic Acid Dietary Supplementation Enhances the Effects of Exercise on Synaptic Plasticity and Cognition. Neuroscience 2008; 155(3):751-9.

Chytrova G, Ying Z, Gomez-Pinilla F Exercise Contributes to the Effects of DHA Dietary Supplementation by Acting on Membrane-Related Synaptic Systems Brain Research 2010 Jun 23;1341:32-40

Jouris K, McDaniel J, Weiss E. The Effect of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation on the Inflammatory Response to Eccentric Strength Exercise Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 2011;10:432-438.

Bailes J, Mills J. Docosahexanoic Acid Reduces Traumatic Axonal Injury in a Rodent Head Injury Model Journal of Neurotrauma. 2010; 27:1617-1626.
Guilliams T. The Use of Fish Oil Supplements in Clinical Practice: A Review”. Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association. 2005; 8(1).

Gomez-Pinilla F, Ying Z Differential Effects of Exercise and Dietary Docosahexaenoic Acid on Molecular Systems Associated with Control of Allostasis in the Hypothalamus and Hippocampus Neuroscience 2010;168(1): 130-7.

Antonio J, Kalman D, Stout J, Greenwood M, Willoughby D, Haff G Essentials of Sports Nutrition and Supplements. 2008;268-270.

Kris-Etherton P, William H, Appel L Fish Consumption, Fish Oil, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and Cardiovascular Disease Journal of The American Heart Association2002; 106:2747-2757

Plants, Fats and Protein

by drpaul

Here’s my lunch: uncured bacon, celery, cucumbers, red bell pepper, and broccoli. It’s got it all: plants, fats, and protein. It’s so paleo/primal that I don’t even need utensils!

For dessert I had some homemade almond flour raisin and walnut cookies.

It doesn’t get any better than that!

You can do it!

Dr. Paul


PS. This lunch is approved by the “bacon lady” herself, Bonfire’s own paleolifedomination queen, Lis Lourie.

Quick & Easy Gourmet Chicken

by drpaul

Rather than an elaborate prep with a sauce, etc. that I often dive into, I wanted to make a simple, throw-in-the-oven recipe that also tasted good.  

6-8 organic boneless, skinless chicken thighs (or chicken breasts if that’s your preference; too dry for my taste)
1 leek, chopped and rinsed thoroughly (leeks can have sand/grit deep within the plant, so rinse after slicing)
2-3 shallots, chopped
Extra Virgin Olive oil
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
Sea salt and fresh cracked black pepper
4-5 tablespoons butter(don’t be shy with the butter – it will make the dish taste super yummy; and besides, fat is good for you)
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon Dry Sherry (optional)

  • Preheat oven to 350
  • Pour olive oil in 9 x 9 baking dish
  • Place chicken thighs in baking dish
  • Season with sea salt and fresh cracked black pepper
  • Top chicken with chopped leeks and shallots
  • Melt butter in small saucepan; add Dijon mustard, Italian seasoning and optional sherry
  • Pour butter/seasoning mixture over chicken
  • Bake uncovered for 40 minutes

The Big Fat Fiasco by Tom Naughton

by drpaul

Do you think that …

  • … eating fat will make you fat, or cause your arteries to clog?
  • … you should avoid fat in general and saturated fat in particular?
  • … whole grains are good for you?
  • … cholesterol is bad for you?
  • … there is “good” and “bad” cholesterol
  • … you should take statins to lower your cholesterol?

…then please watch The Big Fat Fiasco (immediately below) by Tom Naughton. (By the way, refuse statins like your life depends on it – it does! Statins will destroy your health and your life like very few drugs can, with “side effects” including muscle pain and weakness, neuropathy,  heart failure, dizziness, memory loss, and cognitive impairment, cancer, pancreatitis, sexual dysfunction, and depression, just to mention a few.)

Part 1
(Parts 2 -5 down below)


The decades old INCORRECT reasoning that eating fat = high cholesterol = heart disease is the result of the perfect storm of bad science combined with bad public policy hammered into American culture through congressional legislation (think food pyramid recommending avoiding saturate fat and eating 5-6 servings of grains, breads and pasta every day); and making matters even worse, the enormous corruption and influence of the pharmaceutical industry driving doctors toward recommending statins.

The correct formula for heart disease (and obesity, diabetes and cancer) is:

+ eat sugary foods (donuts, jellies & jams, candy, ice cream, “fruit” juices)
+ eat foods that act like sugar (bread, cereal, pizza, pasta, and bagels, etc.)
+ eat foods made with processed vegetable oils (chips, crackers, cookies)
+ sedentary lifestyle
= inflammation and insulin resistance
= obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

If you want to understand why the majority of Americans (maybe you?) are overweight, and plagued by heart disease and diabetes, this fantastic presentation by Tom Naughton, maker of the documentary, Fat Head will set you on the correct path.

Want more info?
The Cholesterol Myths, Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD
The Cholesterol Myth That Could Be Harming Your Health, Joseph Mercola, MD. (Huffington Post)
Fat is Good

The Big Fat Fiasco – Part 2

The Big Fat Fiasco – Part 3

The Big Fat Fiasco – Part 4

The Big Fat Fiasco – Part 5

Subluxation defined – the essence of chiropractic care

by drpaul

Vertebral Subluxation and The Understanding of Chiropractic

Chiropractic is a science, philosophy and art.

First, chiropractic is the science of understanding that abnormal joint function due to misalignment of the spine (and extremities) as a result of trauma – major trauma such as childhood falls and injuries, car accidents, and athletic injuries; and minor trauma from the cumulative affects of postural stresses – these misalignments, known as vertebral subluxation, cause neurological dysfunction and degeneration of joint tissues.

Second, chiropractic is the philosophy that the body has a built in intelligence – an innate intelligence – that will always seek a state of homeostatic health. Chiropractic recognizes that this innate intelligence is what heals a cut, fights an infection, and runs the body’s myriad of complex functions to maintain health and fight disease. Chiropractic also recognizes that this innate intelligence can by interfered with by a condition called vertebral subluxation – the abnormal misalignment, position and/or function of spinal vertebral segments (and extremity joints).

Third, chiropractic is the art of assessing where the body’s inborn or innate intelligence is being interfered with by subluxation and correcting the subluxation through what is called chiropractic adjustments.

The Birth of Modern Chiropractic

There is evidence that some form of ‘manipulation’ has existed for thousands of years in ancient Egypt and China. From a more modern or scientific perspective, chiropractic was ‘discovered’ in 1895 by D.D. Palmer, a healer from Davenport, Iowa. Mr. Palmer theorized that if the spine became misaligned (subluxated), it would impact the health of organs or tissues downstream from the nerves that exited the spine at the level of the misalignment or subluxation. He tested his theory by examining and adjusting a man named Harvey Lillard, who had been suffering from deafness for many years.

Upon examining Mr. Lillard, Mr. Palmer found an area of what would later be described as subluxation. He then ‘adjusted’ that vertebra over a period of days; Mr. Lillard hearing was restored. At that point, Mr. Palmer thought he’d found ‘the cure for deafness’; upon hearing of this ‘treatment’, many people who were deaf flocked to his clinic. Finding and adjusting subluxations restored hearing to a small percentage of these deaf people who came to see D.D. Palmer; but these same people started healing from rheumatism, asthma, constipation, acne, headaches, back pain and many other health conditions – thus giving birth to chiropractic as we know it today.

How have chiropractic patients had miraculous recoveries from such diverse conditions as infertility, high blood pressure, hearing loss, and enuresis (bed wetting)?  By freeing the master system of the body – the nervous system – from interference, that’s how.

Chiropractors correct mechanical stress to the spine (called vertebral subluxation) that creates irritation and interference to the flow of information across the complex and sensitive nerve system. This is the same reason why the healthiest families in the world, not to mention elite atheletes like Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods and Jerry Rice, make regular chiropractic care part of their health regimen, not simply for pain relief.
