by MJ

AIR  ~  Movement of the Day:
Day 96 of the 100 Day Challenge!  Dr. Franson’s getting ready for our BIG BEACH EVENT on Sunday with some Broad Jumps in the sand, how about you? Any exercise in the sand is just a little bit tougher, so get down to the shore and challenge yourself!  [Click here for additional Workouts]

FUEL  ~  Dish of the Day:
Brussel Sprouts with Bacon. Brussel Sprouts tend to get a bad wrap! But if you cook/bake them just right… they’ll be a new favorite in your household! [Click here for additional Recipes]


SPARK  ~  Thought of the Day:
Quote of the Day:  Ideas are powerful things, requiring not a studious contemplation but an action, even if it is only an inner action. ~ Midge Dector

Essential Element: Successful change agents have taught us some powerful best practices for adopting new behaviors. Ultimately, you have the power to create incredible positive, lasting changes in your health and life with the right skills and know-how.  [Click here to read Spark Insight: Influence & Control].

Journal:  Your mind has the power to decide. Whether that situation you are in right now is rotten or beautiful, blessing-filled or treacherous, there is power in lifting your thoughts past the physical plane (observable, immediate) to a higher plane of thought. What current situation is challenging your happiness right now? How is it doing so? What will you dwell on today instead of letting those situational facts take over? [Click here for additional Journal exercises]

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