Goblet Squats, Deadlift with Dumbbells

by brandon
  • Warm Up: 2 rounds – 50 m of Broad Jumps, 50 m of Bear Crawls back to start position
  • WorkoutGoblet SquatsDeadlift with Dumbbells
  • Instructions: Perform alternating sets of goblet squats and deadlifts with dumbbells in an ascending rep scheme – 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 (3 goblet squats + 3 deadlifts, 6 goblet squats + 6 deadlifts…) focusing on technique, range of motion, and core stabilization throughout rather than speed. Record weight used and time to complete.
  • Challenge: 5 minutes practice on Kipping Pull-Ups looking for max consecutive reps
  • OR Active Recovery (Rest Day): Breathing Walk or Roll and Stretch.